Artists Unlimited

Artists Unlimited is an artists association and art house that combines living and working under one roof since 1985. The project runs a gallery and a guest studio and has until now financed three-month-grants for 112 guest artists from all over the world. They live in the Artists Unlimited house – a former paper factory building – and exhibit their creations in the projects gallery. Such art funding by artists for artists is rare and has here produced a continuous cultural dialog between regional and international artists. Artists Unlimited is financed by its members and all common activities are done voluntarily.


One of the founding ideas of Artists Unlimited is to have a guest studio integrated in our house. A space in which an international artist / designer can live and work for 3 months. So far, more than 100 artists and designers from all over the world have received this opportunity.

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Artists Unlimited Galerie

Seit 1987:
regionale und internationale Künstler
Ausstellungsort + Experimentierfeld


Artists Unlimited Members

Guest artists

june to september
Elián Stolarsky (URY/ESP)

september to december
Gustavo Torres (BRA)

Kristina Rozhkova (RUS)

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In the building

Filmhaus Bielefeld

Cafe Milestones


Off Kino